Andi Rahifa

Name: Andi Rahifa

Nim:18 0202 0143

My Favorite spot in my Campus

Library is my favorite spot in the campus it is located in the back of the campus . I like  this area because the equipment is complete sush as wifi,air-conditioned room,and lots of books. The room decor is neet and clean. I usually spend my break time in the there. There we can read a book quietly. The library is open every Monday to Friday,according to class hours on campus. The libraries are great places.


  1. Hi Ara. Also me library is one of my favorite place in our campus Btw I just remind you tips for writing subject 👇
    1. Don't use contractions like don't but do not.
    2. Avoid "there is" or "there ar"
    3. Avoid words so don't use words in academic writing such as "really,very, a lot and so"
    4. Unless so if you are in the sciences it's ok to use the passive and use it to much but it's ok and normal but if you are studying the humanities social science history psychology these Skype of subject don't use passive voice use the active voice.
    5. Use strong verbs


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