
Milsa Ramadhani,my best friend

  Milsa Ramadhani , my best friend Milsa Ramadhani is my college friend now . She are diligent ,   beautiful and smart . Her favorite actress is Maudy Ayunda. she is talented volleyball. she won the volleyball championship once.she gets really excited when she plays volleyball. Her performance Is very interesting .   Her also likes hiking and playing onet games.she has a phobia of lizards. I like her because she is friendly .   Ket Red :adverb Blue:adjective

Andi Rahifa

Name: Andi Rahifa Nim:18 0202 0143 My Favorite spot in my Campus Library is my favorite spot in the campus it is located in the back of the campus . I like   this area because the equipment is complete sush as wifi,air-conditioned room,and lots of books. The room decor is neet and clean. I usually spend my break time in the there. There we can read a book quietly. The library is open every Monday to Friday,according to class hours on campus. The libraries are great places.